Monday, December 20, 2010


I'm back in the states and it feels good to be home.  I have to admit that it is pretty tough to be back in the US with the culture shock and all.  Everything is so fast, clean, and people are just different.  While some things are better than others, I'm still fortunate to be here and am glad to be home.

First off, I want to say thank you to those who were praying for me (or/and for the people in Mexico)  throughout my stay in La Paz.  Praying increases our trust in God especially when praying for others.  So again, thanks for trusting the Lord and depending on Him for my life and yours.

Secondly, I must say I already miss Mexico and the people I met there.  My hope is that I will be able to return some day soon and reunite with my new friends. 

Lastly (really firstly), God is incredible.  He revealed himself fully in my time away.  I'm awaiting his instruction for the next step in my life as far as where to go, work, and people to be with.  Perhaps more blogs to follow from some other place in the world :)  Please be praying for me in this discernment.  Jesus lives and loves you (and me) so much.

Isaiah 43:18-21

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Last few days

Lot's of things happened in the past few days so I will try to touch on some highlights.

Occasionally, we have had to go to a nearby garbage landfill to bring all the trash.  In Mexico, there is something called "Buscando" (Collecting) where people work/live in these garbage areas to gather things of value.  I saw this happen years ago on my previous trip to Mexico with Pete as well.  To me, this seems to be a proverbial hell and I absolutely hate witnessing this.  The smells are unexplainable, people who tend to have drug addictions work there, and theire the poverty is undeniable.  Below is a shaky video (They didn't like me taking pics etc.)  I need to continue to pray for these people and that God shows me how I can trust Him to use me to love every person he puts in my life.  Perhaps He will reveal ways in the future of how I can help end this awful form of work or provide alternatives for these people.

On a lighter note, we were able to go to a different beach on Monday.  This is the second one I was able to go too.  I went snorkeling and cliff diving - mega fun.  Also, there were some fishermen right near us and we purchase fresh fish from them.  Dinner was outstanding! (Did I mention Pete used to work as a chef?) The fishermen also caught a shark and filleted it right in front of us. Shark guts everywhere...yum.

The Sunday before, I went to church and in the middle of the service a very interesting man walked in.  He was wearing a Mexican flag around his belt, was carrying a huge bundle of weeds/flowers and an orange carton with some form of liquid, and he had a funnel sticking out of his nose along with a skull sticker attached to his for head.  He eventually held up the crucifix necklace to the speaker (that he was also wearing around his neck) and was blessing people as he left a few minutes later.  Very interesting/funny to say the least.  Not sure what his deal was - but the family and I prayed for him later in the day (and the congregation as well as it's easy to judge in those situations)

Did I mention that God is power? He is amazing! He allowed me to climb this huge mountain today and survive.  I had limited water but was still able to make it back to the ranch.  PS never ever climb in the dessert by yourself.  And naturally (being trav) I had to go for one of the biggest Mountains in the area. It's just not a good idea and your head will hurt from dehydration for a very long time.  My body still has that dropping sensation you get from roller coasters or something.  Praise the Lord.

I've been diving into Ezekial (that dude was crazy) and reading Proverbs (I should read this book everyday).  I'm trying to be fed by the scriptures and tuned into the Holy Spirit every possible moment.  This is not easy and takes discipline.

There are so many other things that I know I'm forgetting.  But hopefully, I will be able to recall them asap when I get back.  I will post again when I arrive back in the States.

Less than 48 hours here! Viva la vida! 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hiking/Jesus in the Wilderness/More Concrete

Yesterday I was able to go on a hike with Pete and children.  Cher (Pete's wife) wasn't feeling too great so Pete thought it would be nice to get the children out of the house for a little while. 

Our first climb took us to the top which overlooked the entire city of La Paz.  On the way up the children showed me cactus fruit and shared some with me.  I forget the name of it but it tasted slightly sour and chewy.  I kinda liked it.

Once we got done climbing the initial location, we went to another place called the balandra.  This was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen.  We didn't go swimming or anything but I was able to witness some breathe taking views.  It was simply amazing.

On a different note, I just finished a quick read by Henri Nouwen (In the Name of Jesus: Christian Leadership).  It went on about how Jesus was tempted in the wilderness (first part of the book of Matthew 4 fyi) and how such temptations relate to us.  He goes on to explain how we should avoid the temptations to be relevant, popular, and powerful and how these are direct traits that Satan used against Jesus.  All of these things threaten our intimacy with God.  Because it's easier to "be like God" rather than actually Love God.

I must admit that my intimacy with the creator of the universe often feels like a pendulum.  Experiencing His presence isn't always a sustaining thing for me and it's probably because my sin get's in the way.  How often have I wanted to have it all figured out or solve all the problems in my life by getting out the whiteboard?  My mindset is that if I figure out A + B = C then life will be great.  

But when I do that I often feel worse. 

Because God isn't rational. 

I don't think He wants me to necessarily always figure out what He is doing.  He wants me to trust Him. 

It's especially difficult when I want to fix everything around me and to help everyone possible but it just seems so difficult in such an ambiguous world. 

It's amazing to me that Jesus refused the devil's offers in the wilderness.  The one temptation that stands out most to me is the one where He is offered all the kingdoms of the world and yet he says "Get away, Satan! It is written: 'The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.'"

Jesus refuses power he deserves? 

How often do I forget how much He gave up for me?  He really did pay it all just for me to know Him.

On the ground level - another project continues as we encircle the well with additional brick and concrete.  Beto (one of the workers) is the main man on this project and I've been able to help wherever needed.

Last week here.  But a blink.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Horse Painting/Testimony/Beach Day

To start off (fyi), in the past few nights there has been a scorpion, scorpion spider, and a one inch cockroach all inside the house.  I killed two out of the three.  Good eats.

Last week there was a children's ministry out at the ranch.  Their main activity was to paint the horses in teams.  Whoever had the best looking horse (decided by loudness in applause) was the winner.  That was really fun to see the kids enjoy themselves.  Especially because some of them who come from very impoverished places (There are two villages near us 1. Marcus de Leon and 2. Virsa Mesa which both suffer from incredible physical poverty).

Another night, a Youth Group came to spend the evening.  This was a crazy night because out of nowhere Pete goes "Hey Trav - share your testimony."  I go "which part" He replies "whatever you feel called to talk about"  So at that point I was slightly overwhelmed but just started to let it flow (Pete was translating for me so it gave me a few moments to think ahead of time).  I was privileged to share a very meaningful time in my life that I hadn't thought of in years.  It had to do with when I first learned a song years ago and truly experienced the love of Christ through singing out loud.  (I don't even know the title but here are some of the lyrics: In moments like these, I sing out a love song to Jesus...singing I love you, etc.)  As I was recalling the story I suddenly remembered that it was when I was with Pete years ago in Mexico.  He had, unknowingly up to this point, taught me that song.  It was an incredible time of reflection and we sang some worship songs together after as well (Closer/Jesus Paid it all/etc.)

On Monday, I got the chance to go to the beach for the first time (which was amazing).  The water was incredible and the views were astounding.  It was a great break from all the action at the Ranch.

I'm really trying to appreciate my time here at the ranch.  Daily I have been able to wrestle through a lot of things with God in quiet time and discuss issues (personal and non) with Pete and his family.  I'm pretty sure that most of my questions don't have concrete answers.  However, I do know I want to know God intimately and pursue His will for my life.  This changes in some ways and in others not.  The Holy Spirit forces me/us to wait on His perfect timing (And it's usually completely random and quite sporadic).  His word continues to put me in my place.  

Much love from the dessert.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday in La Paz

First off, I just want to say thanks to my good friends in Christ who have supported me thus far.  It's especially encouraging to receive such positive/inspiring words as I try to follow God wholeheartedly in this season of my life.  So thanks again (you know who you are :)

Another day in the dessert and I am doing all I can to serve God during my stay here at the Ranch and attempt to be still enough to hear his voice.  In efforts to do so, daily I'm trying to take at least an hour to listen in silence and wrestle with scripture.  This is a discipline I have historically been very bad at and am so pumped to be working hard to make it a vital part of every single day.

I can't stress how great the Gatto family has been to me during my time here (yes, even the kids haha - sometimes they are nuts just like me which is great).  Pete has been someone I can throw pretty much anything at and challenges me consistently.  He is another brother in Christ who can hold me accountable to following and serving God with everything.  We continue to ask questions about why God leaves us waiting or allows us to go through so much unknown in our lives.  We have been reminding each other "It is finished" "Hear God - do what He says" "Love Him and be willing to serve." He and his family has been a real blessing.

I finished the book I mentioned in the earlier post (PS Dan Broekhuizen gave it to me - for anyone who knows him/needs a good book just ask him and he will recommend some great stuff :)  The end really struck me hard as it explained how even a wise man can get caught up in the approval of others.  It's amazing how often I do things just because I think others people will approve of me.  Loving/following/serving Christ will not be approved by everyone.  And this truth has reaffirmed my commitment to be faithful to the savior of the world.

Pete suggested I check out Psalm 3.  (Despite this being a reference of war/not of peace) It really helps paint the picture of how David felt in extreme opposition and remained faithful to the heart of God.  How we Love people is how we love God (my generalized summing up of the greatest commandment). But loving others does not mean we need their approval.  This can at times be very hard for me especially when God calls me to something outrageous.

Time to jet.  More pics below.  Later Gator's.

 Little Noah and drummer Sam rocking out in my room!
 We got some play time. That's how it felt.
 Dessert Pic.
 Have another.
 Sam (Pete/Cher's oldest) standing on his 4 wheeler.
I'm following the pro.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gloria a Dios!

So it's Monday and I'm at a coffee shop downtown La Paz with a few spare minutes to update the blog.  I apologize in advance that this won't have too much content due to limited time I have on the internet.  However, hopefully some new pictures will suffice.

This past week has been very interesting to say the least.  God has been active in absolutely everything and I continue to see how He is reshaping me every single moment in order to draw me closer to Him.  I have been able to have some really great conversations with Pete (one of my former/current mentors) here and am able to wrestle with some deep personal things together.  But simple dialogue really doesn't come close to how God is forming me into something new.  I am a very impatient person and have a hard time waiting on God's will.  The act of trusting the almighty continues to be my struggle in that I think I know how the world should be redeemed.  But I don't.  And I need to return to my absolute dependence on the Lord.

This past Sunday I met a man named Martin who had, what I believed to be, some serious insight from the Holy Spirit.  It's amazing how seemingly out of nowhere God brought this man into my life to speak directly to my core.  In the first few seconds of our conversation he said how he had heard about me and why I was here.  He went on to point out several things I was going through/dealing with.  (Battle in the mind, learning how to listen to God, etc.)  After our initial meeting, he and a few others climbed a nearby mountain with me to pray at the top.  The whole way up he was preaching to me.  "One step at a time" "Never give up" "Jesus loves you Travis" "Gloria a Dios" "Satan is real but even he is in God's plan" "Don't worry about your mistakes - just continue - God's forgiveness is always here" "Jesus lives"  When we got to the top we prayed and enjoyed the view.  When we got back Martin then left as soon as we got back.  I'm not sure if I will ever see this man again.  But I do know it was God's will for me to hear his words.  What else does God have in store for my/your next step?  Gloria a Dios!

 I had to babysit Zach and Noah one morning.  (Two of the five Gatto children).
 A dead tarantella.  
 My new friend Frank setting up a tent with me.
 Abram riding on the ranch.
 Martin climbing the mountain with me.
 What a view!

Below: Frank, Cher, and Meg talking in the bunk house.
Baptism this past Sunday at the pool behind the house.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm Here!

It's official, I have arrived in La Paz and am living at "Rancho El Camino."

Pete/Cher and family picked me up at the Cabo airport Monday morning and we were all in awe to see each other after so many years. (I gave the bag of sour gummy bears to their kids - they loved them - thanks to you who gave them to me).   While trying to catch up from years past, we drove two hours to La Paz and I saw some breathe taking scenery on the way.  I could go on and on about how beautiful the landscape was, but what truly captured me was the way God was instantly being shown through this family I found myself riding with on the way to their home in the dessert.

If you can picture this, we are swerving through dangerous roads/bumps/terrain through the dust and blazing heat while at the same time I can't hear anything but praise to God from the mouths of Pete and Cher  "Praise the Lord." "Gloria a Dios." "Praise Jesus." (even after the bad stories or whatever).

This is significant, especially for me, because lately I have been troubled in my my own mind in that I find it hard to escape this seemingly never ending world full of injustice and heartache and furthermore disorienting me from focusing on and trusting the almighty.  This is ultimately connected to a lack of freedom and trust in Christ primarily carried out in my own agenda to complete God's will for the world (which in reality is such a joke).  Conversely, I believe He wants me to show and be the Love He promises for the world with each person I come to know (which can be very difficult in our ever ambiguous world).  So the question I found myself asking was, how can Pete's family be so full of purpose in engaging the kingdom of God?

I'm reading a book by Leanne Payne right now and I couldn't help but include a quote in this post (relating to the above question): "to emphasize our need to fully depend upon God.  In our zeal to help others we can get in the way of what God wants us to do.  On the other hand, it is through the most commonplace gesture of human love and touch that God often finds a pathway through...Through these small things the power of Christ's love and the full efficacy of His work on the cross issue forth to save the derelict soul, the one suffering..."

Even having just arrived in Mexico, I can't help but be aware of the Gatto's simple love for others as reflecting from Christ's ultimate love for us all.  I'm hoping this season in Mexico will help God orient my heart toward him and know that He will provide everything I need to serve Him.

Because Jesus died and extended his ultimate love for us on the cross: "...It is finished"

Nonetheless, question(s) still in mind, we eventually arrived at the Ranch and I got settled into my new accommodations.

 Change tends to happen very quickly for me.  One moment I'm allocating various freight shipments all over the US for a logistics company, the next I'm laying concrete in the Mexican dessert with two new amigo's (Bito and Abram).  Did I mention it's hot here? Holy french toast.

And my Spanish skills are lacking at best.  You'd think 4 years of classes in high school and 2 in college would be helpful enough just to sail along.  But it was right after I started hearing the Gatto children speaking Spanish all around me that I new I was in trouble.  I'm hoping some of it comes back to me eventually (I'm sick of doing hand motions and saying como se dice to everything I hear)

I already have tons of stories in mind.  But I will share just a few.

1. The stars are gorgeous here.  Like unreal.  I saw 4 satellites last night in the open sky plus planets etc.
2. Pete said they have had a rattle snake in their house once before. (This was way before I arrived but I don't care it's still worth sharing).
3. For those interested, there are lots of horses here.  They are cared for mostly by the children and look great. They also have donkey's, goats, chickens, dogs (pregnant), cats, fly's, rats, skunks, scorpions, black widows and did I mention snakes?
4. The hiking here is stellar.  I love climbing mountains and there are so many around the ranch which I can't wait to dominate (or be dominated).
5. The kids are hilarious and each have tons of the own funny stories (Oldest to youngest: Megan, Sam, Zack, Madi, and Noah).
6. There is a lot of work being done here.  But my prize task to date has been cleaning the spring pool full of algae and slime (fun in the sun).
7. I haven't taken out my guitar often as of yet.  But when I have it has been nothing short of sacred for me.  "oh How He Loves us so"
8. More to come but it's bedtime...

Isaiah 40: 27-31  check it out (and the pictures below)

This is where I sleep (I'm on the bottom).  Frank, a Mexican student from La Paz, slept on the top bunk the first night I was there and has been back at school since then.
 This is the house where we all are staying.  Pete and his family sleeps upstairs with his 5 children.
 This is where we have been mixing/laying concrete.
 Pete, Sam (Pete's son), and I hiked up a mountain right behind the ranch and could see miles of open dessert terrain.
One of the two pallets on the ranch (holler back lean!)
 Yes, it's real and was in my room. 
This is Abram.  He is one of my roommates.  He spent 20 years in prison and released a rat snake right outside my door the first day I got there.  But don't worry Mom, He now serves the Lord wholeheartedly and is becoming a new friend.  (He also cuts up palm branches and puts the inner goo juices on his head...but that's another story in itself :)